Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Interview: part 2

It was the third thing out of my mouth: name, experience, don't really want the job. But the response was even more amazing.

His monologue was like confrontational theater, I felt like I should be in the audience but it was directed at me. It's like my prospective boss was justifying the merits of giving up on his dreams of working for major studios. Dreams I have. I placed my sweaty palms on my resume and waited for him turn back from staring out the glass door and into his thoughts. He twisted his chair and rolled his body back to me.

"You're the one." He said casually. "Your going to work out. I'm not going to see anyone else. I going to tell Pam." He turned as if he might call on his cell phone, then he looked back out the door. "Pam!" He looked again at me. "Your going to work out. How much are you looking for?"

I told him and he nodded.

"I expect you to be making twice that in five years. I need someone to take over the shooting and some of the directing. What I need is a creative partner I can trust. The last guy, all he wanted to do was edit." He turned again and called down the hall, "Pam."

He breathed hard out of his nose. "Just a second. I don't want these other people to come." He stood up. "I'm supposed to have five more guys show up. You're the guy."

I didn't want anything to break the spell. After months of searching for a new job, here it was. I was going to get the salary I wanted, with room to move up. I slowly peeled my palms off my resume and wiped my brow

"Ok, buddy." My new boss said as he entered the room. "I got to see one of these guys, he's almost here." I stood up. "Why don't you wait in my office." He extended his hand" "Welcome aboard."

We shook. I walked down the hall with dreams of being debt free. I confidently strode past the mirror and saw a long black smudge across my face. I looked at my hands and on them was the smudged sentences of my resume.

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